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181A molecular evaluation of the freshwater ascomycete family Annulatascaceae sensu lato
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SystematicsZelski, Steven E; Miller, Andrew N; Shearer, Carol A..Annulatascaceae
Freshwater ascomycetes
21A proposal for a new family in the Onygenales for the genus Spiromastix
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SystematicsHirooka, Yuuri; Tanney, Joey; Nguyen, Hai; Seifert, Keith.Taxonomy
A new family
Keratin degradation
Asexual state
257Evolution and phylogeography of the Cortinarius violaceus group in Australasia and the Americas
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SystematicsHarrower, Emma; Matheny, Brandon.
122Fruiting Body Shape in Gomphales and Clarification of Ramaria
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SystematicsKnudson, Alicia; Hibbett, David.Gomphales
Fruiting Body Transitions
218Fungal species recognition is being challenged by next-generation-sequencing and fungal generic concepts are being challenged by the new nomenclatoral code
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SystematicsTaylor, John W..nomenclature
NGS (next-generation sequencing)
173Global diversity and host evolution in a diverse clade of ectomycorrhizal fungi (Russula, Russulales)
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SystematicsLooney, Brian P.; Hampe, Felix; Ryberg, Martin; Sánchez-García, Marisol; Matheny, Brandon.mega-phylogeny
environmental sequences
geographic distribution
90Hyphally Inclined: Septins and the Search for an Ancient Morphogenetic Toolkit for Hyphal Growth
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SystematicsDee, Jaclyn M.; Chang, Ying; Sekimoto, Satoshi; Berbee, Mary L. .septin
Gonapodya prolifera
early-diverging fungi
morphogenetic toolkit
comparative genomics
44Inocybe leiocephala Stuntz, a species with an intercontinental distribution range mainly in arctic, alpine and subalpine habitats – disentangling the I. leiocephala–subbrunnea-catalaunica compl
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SystematicsLarsson, Ellen; Cripps, Cathy; Vauras, Jukka.ISAM9
morphological species complex
molecular phylogenetics
151Lost in translation: challenges of transferring information from phylogenies into taxonomy
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SystematicsGazis, Romina; Rees, Jonathan; Ree, Rick; Smith, Stephen; Hibbett, David.Taxonomy
Open Tree of Life
206Mainstreaming Fungal Conservation 
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SystematicsMueller, Gregory M.; Dahlberg, Anders.biodiversity
Red Listing
190Mating Studies and Molecular Phylogenies Reveal a Species Complex in Coprinellus disseminatus
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SystematicsPowers, Rob.
54Minutisphaeraceae (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota), a new family of freshwater ascomycetes including two new species from North Carolina, USA
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SystematicsRaja, Huzefa A.; Shearer, Carol A.; Miller, Andrew N; Tanaka, Kazuaki; Fournier, Jacques; El-Elimat, Tamam; Oberlies, Nicholas H..Systematics
submerged wood
203Molecular systematics of Geoglossomycetes: genus and species concepts
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SystematicsHustad, Vincent Patrick; Miller, Andrew N.Earth tongues
Cryptic species
New species
80Phylogenetic diversity and fidelity of the Euwallacea (Coleoptera:Xyleborini) - Fusarium mutualism
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SystematicsO'Donnell, Kerry.
53Phylogenetic relationships and morphological evolution in Lentinus, Polyporellus and Neofavolus, emphasizing Southeast Asian taxa
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SystematicsSeelan, Jaya Seelan Sathiya; Justo, Alfredo; Nagy, Laszlo; Hibbett, David; Hughes, Karen.Taxonomy
Lentinus sensu stricto
Lentinus suavissimus
multi-gene phylogeny
226Recent advances in and current opportunities for Gut Fungi research with reflections on the Trichomycetes
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SystematicsWhite, Merlin.Systematics
139Remember my (fungal) name: Tying names to sequences and specimen data in GenBank
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SystematicsSchoch, Conrad L.; Barbara, Robbertse.Taxonomy
DNA sequence analysis
65Rethinking the origin of Eukaryotes
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SystematicsSpiegel, Frederick W..Origin of Eukaryotes
83Systematics and biogeography of Lactarius in the Rocky Mountain alpine zone
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SystematicsBarge, Edward; Cripps, Cathy.arctic-alpine
multi-gene phylogeny
intercontinental conspecificity
57The genus Pluteus (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) in North America, how close are we to a continental Mycoflora?
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SystematicsJusto, Alfredo; Hibbett, David.Pluteus
North America
Phylogenetic systematics

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