| Abstract Detail
Systematics Larsson, Ellen [1], Cripps, Cathy [2], Vauras, Jukka [3]. Inocybe leiocephala Stuntz, a species with an intercontinental distribution range mainly in arctic, alpine and subalpine habitats – disentangling the I. leiocephala–subbrunnea-catalaunica compl. The complex of Inocybe leiocephala, I. subbrunnea, and I. catalaunica is disentangled using morphological and molecular analysis. Sequence data and morphological characteristics of specimens determined to Inocybe leiocephala s.l. were compared with that of six type specimens. We confirm I. leiocephala, I. lindrothii, I. subbrunnea, I. fuscescentipes, I. subpaleacea and I. catalaunica as separate independent species. All species except I. subpaleacea and I. catalaunica were shown to have a broad intercontinental distribution range. I. leiocephala has its main distribution in arctic/alpine and subalpine habitats, and I. lindrothii in hemiboreal – boreal zones. I. subbrunnea is confined to nutrient rich often more calcareous soils and mixed coniferous forests. I. catalaunica is a species well separated from I. leiocephala, I. lindrothii and I. subbrunnea in molecular data and it appears to be more related to I. tjallingiorum and I. phaeoleuca despite morphological similarities. The new species I. ohenojae is here described based on material from the alpine zone in Canada. The new combination Inocybe lindrothii is proposed and an epitype is designated. I. saponacea is regarded as a synonym of I. lindrothii. Results will be presented in a historical light. Log in to add this item to your schedule
1 - University of Gothenburg, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Box 461, Goteborg, 40530, SWEDEN 2 - Montana State University, Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, 119 Plant Bioscience Building, Bozeman, MT, 59717, USA 3 - University of Turku, Biological Collections of Abo Akademi University, Herbarium, F120014, FINLAND
Keywords: ISAM9 Taxonomy morphological species complex molecular phylogenetics.
Presentation Type: Offered Paper - Paper Session: 8 Location: Room 103 AB/Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center Date: Tuesday, June 10th, 2014 Time: 8:45 AM Number: 8002 Abstract ID:44 Candidate for Awards:None |