| Abstract Detail
Systematics Looney, Brian P. [3], Hampe, Felix [1], Ryberg, Martin [2], Sánchez-García, Marisol [3], Matheny, Brandon [3]. Global diversity and host evolution in a diverse clade of ectomycorrhizal fungi (Russula, Russulales). The genus Russula is a diverse ectomycorrhizal (ECM) group of basidiomycetes composed of ca. 750 described species. Members of this genus are distributed worldwide and have been reported to associate with numerous ECM plant lineages. This study incorporates environmental sequences to estimate global diversity of Russula and detect plant associations and their degree of specificity. Utilizing these data in conjunction with biogeographic data, we also test whether plant association is correlated with changes in diversification rate, which could indicate that evolution of novel plant associations is a driver of global ECM fungi diversity and distribution. We will present a multi-gene phylogeny of Russula (nLSU, ITS, rpb1, rpb2) incorporating type species of infrageneric groups from North America and Europe. This phylogeny is used as a phylogenetic classification framework as well as a scaffold for a supermatrix approach that incorporates environmental and identified Russula sequences accessioned in GenBank. Sequences from GenBank have been clustered using a 99% identity criterion as well as branch-length restriction for an estimated 1,100 species-level operational taxonomic units. A mega-phylogeny has been constructed, and metadata from GenBank entries have been extracted for geographic sampling location and potential host association, which are mapped onto the mega-phylogeny. We will present a summary of results from this analysis as well as progress on future work, where a discrete trait SSE model of correlated trait evolution will be applied to our data to compare diversification rates associated with changes in host association and geographic occurrence. Log in to add this item to your schedule
1 - Ghent University, Biology, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, Ghent, 9000, Belgium 2 - Uppsala Universitet, Organismal Biology, Evolutionsbiologiskt centrum, Norbyv. 18D, Uppsala, 75236, Sweden 3 - University of Tennessee, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, 332 Hesler BIology Building & Greenhouse, Knoxville, TN, 37996, USA
Keywords: mega-phylogeny diversification environmental sequences geographic distribution.
Presentation Type: Offered Paper - Paper Session: 2 Location: Auditorium/Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center Date: Monday, June 9th, 2014 Time: 8:30 AM Number: 2001 Abstract ID:173 Candidate for Awards:Graduate Student Oral Presentation Award |