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Abstract Detail

Ecological Consequences and Mechanisms of Fungal-Fungal Interactions

Bell-Dereske, Lukas [1], Emery, Sarah [2].

Interactions in the dunes: synergisms between foliar endophytes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in an ecosystem engineering dune grass.

Dune ecosystems along the Atlantic Coast and in the Great Lakes are built by the pioneer grass species, Ammophila breviligulata (here after Ammophila), which can host an epichloid fungal endophyte. This symbiotic interaction increases the biomass of the host and alters recruitment of competing plant species. While the epichloae symbiosis is uncommon in Ammophila in the Great Lakes region, the majority of plant material available for dune restorations has the endophyte.  In the context of future climate changes in precipitation, we investigated the effects of the Epichloë fungal symbiosis on other fungi in the ecosystem, including arbuscular mycorrhizal (AMF) fungi in Ammophila roots and decomposer fungi in Ammophila leaf litter. AMF are estimated to make up >30% of the microbial biomass in dune ecosystems. We imposed both reductions and additions of growing season precipitation on plots of planted Ammophila at Leelanau State Park, Leelanau, MI.  Within a plot, Ammophila plants were either artificially inoculated with the endophyte or sham-inoculated, in a factorial design. The presence of Epichloë significantly altered the abundance/presence of AMF OTUs in the host plants roots. Additionally, the presence of the endophyte increased overall AMF root colonization on the host by ~30% and significantly increased the rate of leaf litter decomposition. Endophyte-driven shifts in the AMF community could alter ecosystem services in Great Lakes dunes and affect microbial interactions with other plants in the community. 

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1 - University of New Mexico, Biology, msc03 2020, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87131, USA
2 - University of Louisville, Biology, 139 Life Sciences Bldg, Louisville, KY, 40292, USA

foliar endophyte
mycorrhizal fungi
decomposer fungi
Great Lakes dunes
Ammophila breviligulata.

Presentation Type: Symposium or Colloquium Presentation
Session: SY4
Location: Auditorium/Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center
Date: Tuesday, June 10th, 2014
Time: 1:00 PM
Number: SY4001
Abstract ID:157
Candidate for Awards:None

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